To be able to share a home with someone who loves you unconditionally and faithfully, it is one of the greatest joys in life. In the more recent years, some blessed and beautiful beings have found such a home through the love of a gentle poet and a living spiritual teacher. Supreme Master Ching Hai, or Mom as she is known to 10 very special dogs and other animals, has given them a loving home, and the greatest delight and blessing that any being could ever experience: to be in the grace and presence of Love incarnated.
In The Dogs in My Life (Volumes 1 & 2), the first publication lovingly written and personally designed by Supreme Master Ching Hai, readers will re-discover the simplicity of love and rejoice in the sincerity of friendship, as exhibited by the 10 canine friends, with names like Benny, Lucky, Happy, Goody, and Hermit. Learn about the Scholar, Fruity, Princissa, Chip Ahoy, the Shadow Hunter, and others; listen to their engaging tales. They all have diverse life stories and distinctive personalities, yet their devotion for their human pet is unequivocal, and their humor, intelligence and many other noble qualities are truly from the same source. Read The Dogs in My Life, and fall in love with some the most special beings on Earth.
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Âu Lạc 简体中文 正體中文 English Deutsch Bahasa Indonesia 日本語 한국어 Монгол Polski Português Español Svensk